In a recent interview on the music podcast PANTS OFF!, former Pavement and Silver Jews member Bob Nastanovich reveals that Pavement have been invited to perform on the Late Show in September.
Pavement’s supposed to play …if we can get it all together; we’ve been invited to play on the new Colbert show in like September. So that might be cool. Hopefully it’ll come off; right now it seems kind of 50/50. I don’t even know what we’re gonna play or anything like that, but they invited us to do it a few weeks ago and we’re trying to schedule it all out. Everyone else in my band, they’ve got kids and stuff.
When the band last reunited in 2010, they played on The Colbert Report, so they must enjoy each other’s company.
Check out the full podcast below, with the reunion talk at the 1:08 mark.